At every national or local election, every pol, every petition, make your voice heard for the planet!
It is essential that politics take strong actions to force companies to change their productions methods, to change the materials they use and to consider the environment at all stages of their production process. It is also essential that politics reallocate public funds to support sustainable projects, as well as research and development of green energies.
Only us can make this happen by voting, and considering the environmental issues at every occasion.
Quoeco Tree Plantation Driver, Jan 30, 2022 @ Korba, CG, India #quoeco #ecofriendly #SocialMedia
Each of these #activities you perform #online comes with a small cost – a few grams of #carbondioxide are emitted due to the energy needed to run your devices and power the wireless networks you access.
#quoeco #netflix #driving #emails #bulb #emissions #internet #pollution #net #co2021 #car #transport #climate #climatechange #awarness #activism #light #ledlights #motherearth #enviroment
I call it Eco-friendly break up. 🤣
#quoeco #environment #earthlings #plasticfree #plasticpollution #green #environmentallyfriendly #breakup
Globally, more than a million plastic bottles are sold every single minute.
It takes at least 450 years for a plastic bottle to completely degrade.
#quoeco #enviroment #earthlings #plasticpollution #noplastic #noplasticbags #noplasticstraw #noplasticcups #noplasticcutlery #noplasticatall
Just by giving us Eco friendly carry bags you can not make it up for the pollution you are causing. Cut your carbon emissions.
#quoeco #sustainablecorner #ecofriendly #environment #pollution #airpollution #climatefriendly #zerowaste #bigcorporates
Sea turtles are affected by plastic during every stage of their life. They crawl through plastic on the way to the ocean as hatch-lings, swim through it while migrating, confuse it for jellyfish (one of their favorite foods), and then crawl back through it as adults. Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales, and other marine mammals, and more than 1 million seabirds die each year from ocean pollution and ingestion or entanglement in marine debris.
#turtle #sea #plasticfree #plasticalternative #plastic #saynotoplastic #straws #breathe #underwater #earth #nature #natural #swim
“Change is coming whether you like it or not” - Greta thunberg. .
#quoeco #climatechange #whale polarbear #penguin #coast #beaches #ruralarea #village #megacities #earth #childrens #mountains #earth #green #gretathunberg #leonardodicaprio
PC - Green_Forum
I literally do it.
Save water every drop counts !!
#quoeco #globalclimatestrike #environmental #saveanimals #environmentallyfriendly #savetheearth #ecoresponsible #oneearth #helptheworld #globalwarming #savewater #watersaving #indoorplants
I feel a great regard for trees; they represent age beauty and the miracles of life and growth - Louise Dickinson
#trees #Love #nature #quotes #roots #deep #air #memory #lovefornature #birds #greenry #globalpeace #globalwarming #savenature #worldbeauty #girl #gretathunberg
PC - green_forum